Seneca Housing Inc. Veterans Masquerade Ball

A party with a purpose. Seneca Housing’s annual Veterans Housing Fund Raiser, Masquerade 2023, is an event that brings us all together however, we can't forget the purpose behind the party- housing our beloved Veterans. Once their service has ended and they begin to navigate the difficulties of re-integrating into civilian society, so many of our Veterans face obstacles that make it challenging to access affordable rental housing. Building new safe, decent and affordable units ensures that no Veterans in Seneca County spend another night homeless or in insufficient housing. These men and women are true American heroes and Seneca Housing is committed to providing the housing these heroes deserve.
October 21, 2023
October 21, 2023
(315) 568-2200
(315) 946-1777
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del Lago Resort & Casino, 1133 NY-414, Waterloo, NY 13165