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Wayne Bank

Can I access my account from multiple computers?

Yes, you can still access your bank account from any number of computers and still have the same multi-factor authentication security. If you logon from a new computer or a public computer, you will just

Can I access my account from multiple computers?2021-11-10T17:29:24+00:00

Why am I being asked a question when I try to logon?

We ask a challenge question when we detect that you are trying to logon from a new computer or different location. This is to prevent someone with stolen passwords from logging into your account. Since

Why am I being asked a question when I try to logon?2021-11-10T17:29:09+00:00

How is multi-factor authentication more secure?

Multi-factor authentication safeguards you from accidentally revealing your username and password to a fake site. In addition, if someone does get your username and password, they will still not be able to access your account

How is multi-factor authentication more secure?2021-11-10T17:28:48+00:00

Why do I need the multi-factor authentication solution?

On the Internet today, fraudsters attempt to steal your identity by impersonating the web sites you trust. The multi-factor authentication security feature helps us to proactively protect you, our customer, against such attacks. In addition,

Why do I need the multi-factor authentication solution?2021-11-10T17:28:34+00:00

What is Phishing?

Recently there have been attempts by fraudsters to trick people into revealing their personal information, such as passwords, by creating fake web sites that look very much like the sites of legitimate financial institutions. They

What is Phishing?2021-11-10T17:28:22+00:00

What is multi-factor authentication?

The multi-factor authentication security solution is an enhanced online security feature that is now a standard part of your Internet banking solution logon. As a part of our ongoing commitment to help protect you against

What is multi-factor authentication?2021-11-10T17:28:09+00:00

How does the Multi-Factor Authentication Security Solution Work?

Our multi-factor authentication security solution provides you added safety by helping ensure that only you can access your bank accounts. During online banking enrolment you will choose three security questions and answers. The answers are

How does the Multi-Factor Authentication Security Solution Work?2021-11-10T17:27:43+00:00
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